The structure of CGAL:
Geometric Kernel:
Points, Predicates, and Exactness
Number Types
Cartesian Representation
Homogeneous Representation
Generic Programming and the Basic Library:
Templates in C++
Generic Function with Iterators
Random Points as Input Iterators
Delaunay Triangulation
Convex Hull
Circulation in Triangulations
Intersection of two Segments
Voronoi Diagram
Traits Classes in the Basic Library:
Triangulation of Terrains: xy-Projection of 3d-Points
Independence from the Geometric Kernel
Lexicographic Sorting with a Function Object
LEDA Kernel and CGAL Convex Hull
Polyhedral Surfaces:
Declaring and File IO
Triangualtion Convex Facets
Curve Reconstruction: crust:
Input: a set P of points in the plane
Output: a set S of segments with endpoints in P
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